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What is alimony, maintenance, and spousal support? You need to know this if you’re facing divorce.

The official definition of divorce states that divorce is the legal dissolution of a marriage relationship. When parties are married for a significant period of time, a spouse may seek spousal support. This spousal support payment is often referred to as “Alimony” by the IRs and is called “Maintenance” under Wisconsin law.  In other words, […]

What Should You Know About Post Judgment Modifications?

Post-judgment modifications, as the name suggests, are the changes to a judgment of divorce requested by an ex-spouse. It is requested when the final judgment is no longer practical or applicable. Post-judgment modifications primarily focus on child custody and/or placement, child support, and spousal support/maintenance. There are plenty of complexities attached to the post-judgment modifications. In […]

How Does Child Custody Work in Wisconsin?

The child custody battle is one of the most stressful experiences for divorcing parents. But, knowing about the child custody laws can make the process easier and more predictable. However, if you are unfamiliar with the different types of child custody and how they work, you can rely on Milwaukee child custody attorneys for guidance. Also, […]

What are Common Divorce Mistakes & How to Avoid Them?

Divorce is complicated and can be an emotionally draining legal process. So, it’s very common to make mistakes in the heat of the moment or because of incomplete information. In addition, not hiring the best attorneys for your divorce just to save some money can result in costly divorce mistakes as well as waste time and money. […]

What You Need to Know about Property Division in a Divorce in Wisconsin

Separation is never a pleasant experience. But what adds more to this painful experience is the division of the assets and debts. Property division is the major cause of stress and conflict in most divorce cases. Marital property is presumed to be divided equally between the divorcing parties in Wisconsin, but may alter this distribution […]

Why Should You Hire a Divorce Attorney?

Divorce and separation are painful, but sometimes it is unavoidable. So, whether you are planning to file for divorce or you have to respond to a divorce petition from your spouse, consider talking to a divorce attorney early on in the process. Many people think they can handle the divorce without an attorney’s guidance, but it […]


How Can Social Media Affect Your Child Custody Case?

Social media has become an important part of human lives. Most people enjoy sharing their personal and professional lives on various social media platforms. But, parents involved in a child custody case should be very careful and mindful while using social media. You may be surprised to know that, according to the American Academy of […]